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Return to Special Services > FAA Airmen Medical Examinations

FAA Examination Instructions

1. We do all 3 classes of medical certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd class)

2. Bring a valid gov’t issued picture ID.

3. Bring supporting evidence and any medical records for any preexisting conditions

4. Bring in any SODAS and SIS you have from previous medical examinations

5. Bring and/or wear any glasses or contact lenses or hearing aides used during flying

6. Please fill out form 8500-8 on line at https://medxpress.faa.gov. You will create an account in the system, fill out the form, and print out the form with your confirmation number and bring this with you to your appointment. If this is not done prior to your appointment, there will be an additional fee to fill out form 8500-8 at the time of your appointment.

7. For first time FAA medical certification applicants, please bring in the complete color vision report from your eye specialist. The approved color vision tests are detailed on the FAA website at https://www.faa.gov/ame_guide/app_process/exam_tech/item52/et.